How To Recognize God’s Voice When Scripture Sounds Right but Feels Wrong

Discerning Truth

One of the hardest things to untangle in our faith is the difference between words that sound true and words that are actually life-giving.

Scripture is powerful. It shapes us, convicts us, and leads us into deeper communion with God. But we also know this: Satan knows scripture too (Matthew 4:1-11). When Jesus was tempted in the wilderness, the enemy didn’t come with outright lies- he came with scripture, twisted just enough to manipulate rather than lead to life.

This is something many of us have experienced firsthand. Maybe you’ve heard someone use scripture to silence, control, or shame rather than to invite, restore, and heal. Maybe someone used scripture to pressure you into silence instead of inviting you into wisdom. Some of us have wrestled with beliefs that feel heavy, not because they’re convicting, but because they strip away our agency. Often it’s left us wondering: Is this really what God is like?

The Right Words with the Wrong Motive

Words alone aren’t enough. Scripture is meant to teach, correct, and strengthen, but never to coerce. God’s voice convicts, but it never condemns. It leads to freedom, not fear. Yet, in the wrong hands, even scripture can be used to bind people in shame or keep them Scripture, when wielded with the wrong heart, can be used as a weapon instead of a wellspring. The difference? God’s voice always leads to freedom, while manipulation leads to bondage.

If you’ve been wounded by the misuse of scripture, untangling what you truly believe can feel overwhelming. And if you’re trying to sort through what you actually believe vs what is truly from God and what is just religious weight someone handed you, it’s understandable if that process feels complicated.

Spiritual Direction: Where God’s Presence Meets Our Woundedness

Spiritual direction is a space to wrestle with those questions in an honest, unfiltered way. Spiritual direction is a place where you can process your faith in a way that is safe, sacred, and deeply personal. It’s not about giving you all the answers, but about making space for you to encounter God for yourself. To sit with your doubts and questions. To name the places where you’ve been hurt. To recognize where God is still moving, even in the wrestling.

God’s voice is kind. His correction is never condemning. His truth does not crush- it revives. And He invites you into a faith that isn’t built on fear, coercion, or someone else’s expectations, but on His real, unshakable love.

If you’re longing for a space to untangle, to listen, and to heal, spiritual direction might be the next step in your journey. A place where scripture isn’t a weapon, but a source of life again.

If you are ready to take the next steps with spiritual direction, book your discovery call today.


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