Turning Inward: Understanding the Roots of Projection
Your Story Matters: Spiritual Direction for People of Color
Christian spiritual direction is not about conforming to someone else's idea of what faith should be. It's about uncovering your own truth, listening to the unique rhythm of your soul, and reclaiming the narrative of your spiritual journey, piece by piece, like rearranging the shards of your own kaleidoscope. It's a space where you can ask the hard questions, wrestle with your doubts, and explore the depths of your longing.
Spiritual Direction vs. Therapy: Understanding the Differences and When to Seek Each
The choice between therapy, spiritual direction, or both depends on your unique needs and the nature of your trauma. Both can offer healing, but in different ways. Therapy addresses the mind and emotions, helping you process and manage psychological distress, while spiritual direction nurtures your soul and guides you toward deeper communion with God in the midst of your brokenness.

Spiritual Direction as Trauma-Informed Soul Care
Life is full of wounds—some deep, some smaller, but all leave their mark. Trauma, whether large or small, can deeply affect our sense of self, our relationships with others, and our connection to God. In the midst of this, Christian spiritual direction offers a sacred space where we can bring all of who we are, including our brokenness, before God. But what does it mean to approach spiritual direction through a trauma-informed lens?